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Foreign Importer of Record

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Did you know importing into the U.S. without a U.S. entity or presence is not only possible but relatively easy? In fact, businesses wanting to move goods into the U.S. need only to qualify as a Foreign Importer of Record, which just requires a few documents to ensure your company’s legitimacy.

To become a Foreign Importer of Record, you will need a Customs Assigned importer of record number and a Customs bond. The best way to accomplish this is through a Customs Broker, who will require the following documents:

  • Customs Power of Attorney, signed by two officers of your company. You will receive this document from your broker.

  • A copy of your Articles of Incorporation

  • A copy of the document that empowers the officers with authority to sign the Power of Attorney, if that information is not available in your Articles of Incorporation

  • Scans or photos of the identification for both signature providers

From here, your broker will apply for the Customs Assigned Number on your behalf. Once you have that you can get a Customs Bond. With that, you will just need the standard import documents and you can start shipping goods into the U.S., as long as you recipient has a U.S. address and a tax ID number.

Please note that as the importer of record, you are responsible for all necessary details for import compliance. Your broker and freight forwarder will be able to assist you with this but make sure you have a good understanding of U.S. import requirements and regulations.

Need help? Reach out to one of our experts to make sure you don’t miss any important documents in the import process.


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